Sunday, July 3, 2011

Day Two: Water, Water Everywhere!

Posting has been delayed due to the facthat my keyboard is mad at me for spilling milk on it. 6 keys are out of commission, meaning I am borrowing my mom's laptop... but apparently I have had 45 views on my post about day 1, so don't wanto disappoint my readers! ;)

Our theme for Tuesday was water. In Missions, we talked about fish. Our country was Thailand. Fish are important because they are affordable, easy to feed, and the perfect size for a family to eat for dinner, and have none left over (important for parts of the world where there are no refrigerators!). We talked about a girl named Carmen, who worked with her community in the Philippines to get a fish pond from the Heifer Projecto share with the whole village. Her village had plenty of water but not enough fish, so they soughto change thathrough working together to get a fish pond for the whole community, dividing the responsibility and the bounty among themselves.

Because it was water day, we did not have afternoon programming and instead went swimming! It was a beautiful day and we had a lot of fun in the pool.  Downsides were only the amount of mosquitos and the fact that kids consider you a flotation device, so there were a few times I felt like I was choking from arms around my neck, but overall, quite a fun afternoon.

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